Hi, I’m Ginny. It’s so nice to finally e-meet you! Seriously, I didn’t know it, but this blog–no, this amazing community–has been a passion project in the works for YEARS!
Doing What’s Right
I get it; I really do. With all the disinformation, general lack of information, and fast-paced lives we live, it is tough to know what is the right thing to do for the environment AND then our society and lives make it that much harder to do what is right.
It’s a battle telling your mom that her disposable water bottle habit is bad for the environment when she counters with “I’m not the only one who drinks it!”
And asking her to start-small and recycle her water bottles is met with, “You know Tommy? He works at the recycling plant? He told me that everything that comes in to be recycled is just thrown into the landfill anyway. So why should I bother to take the time to recycle?”
Your best friend thinks climate change doesn’t exist; your brother-in-law thinks the planet is cooling down, not heating up.
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably overwhelmed on a weekly daily basis with everything that is going on in the world–from the news to social media to conversations with your friends, there is no escaping it…All the puppies need adopted, there are disasters devastating the entire world, homelessness, racism, women’s rights, the economy, the climate crisis, politics…this list can probably go all day.
This constant barrage of news has me reeling sometimes. Not only do I feel like I need to do more to combat each problem, I also want to support businesses that are striving to combat each problem as well.
For me, it all boils down to sustainability: finding ways to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It’s about taking a long-term approach to our actions and understanding the impact they have on the environment, society, and the economy.
That’s the problem thought, isn’t it? Our world, planet Earth, will simply not continue to thrive and be available for future generations to come if we continuing doing the same things we always have. But my individual choices are just a drop in the hat and don’t actually change anything, right?
It is the hope that all small changes, enacted on a grand scale, can create the difference we need to see in the world.

Providing a Helping Hand
In this blog, you’ll find a range of topics related to sustainability, including tips for reducing your carbon footprint, sustainable living practices, renewable energy, green technologies, circular economy, ethical consumption, and more.
More than anything, it is meant as a place to provide information about trying to be sustainable in the modern world where we still need to drive to work, to see our families who moved hours away, and are so extremely busy that sometimes it’s nice to just do NOTHING.
I live on a two-acre plot of land in the midst of rural America; the intention and dream being to create a small, self-sustaining homestead with almost everything I need on these two-acres. Our backyard is not just a typical piece of land; it’s a certified wildlife habitat (among others), where we are consciously nurturing biodiversity and natural ecosystems.
However, this dream does raise some issues about recycling in a rural America, striving towards a minimal-waste/sustainable life in a really small town with limited sustainable resources, and is undoubtedly conflicted with my “millennial” need for instant gratification. I’m only partially kidding with the last item, but sometimes the nearest store with an item I need is over an hour away and then I need to order it online.
For the last decade, I’ve been slowly incorporating sustainability changes into my life, with the effects trickling down to friends and family naturally; I even got my mom to switch to a reusable water bottle last year–perhaps my largest win to-date! I’ve been finding the right products during this time through a lot of trial and error. I’m excited to share all of my research with you so that creating sustainability in multiple aspects of your life can be as simplified as possible.
Let’s get something in the open, right away: I’m not perfect, nor do I ever think I will be.
- My frame of mind, as a millennial fur-mom, is that I want to give my babies the best life I can; this includes their carnivorous raw-food diet that is packaged in plastic and shipped to my door every month.
- I can’t stop traveling via airplane for my corporate job.
- Or stop utilizing my computer, cell phone, etc. These are basically requirements in today’s world.
- I love dessert, and date nights.
- Sometimes I FAIL Miserably in my Sustainability Journey, but I don’t let it stop me. I LEARN from it, and move forward.
My goal is to inspire and motivate readers to take action in their own lives to create a more sustainable world. I believe that everyone has the power to make a difference, no matter how small. By making conscious choices and working together, we can create a brighter and more sustainable future for all.
If you’re ready to dive in and learn more, here are some tips to getting started with zero-waste.
More than anything, this is a community. I welcome all thoughts and feedback and look forward to learning from all of you as well! Reach out to me on social media, our contact page, or through email; I’d love to get to know you better.