YAY!!! You want to share a little piece of your authentic, eco-friendly self with us by submitting a guest post on our site. We’re excited to hear your valuable insights, innovative ideas, or inspiring stories to share with our audience. You can learn more about our Guest Blogging Guidelines on our site below.
You will NOT be compensated financially for guest posts, nor will I require a fee to publish a guest post on this website.
These guidelines are also NOT for companies who want to sponsor a blog post about their product or service. If you wish for us to honestly review your company and/or product as a sponsored blog post, please send us an email.
EMAIL: ginny.raynexo@nakedsustainability.com
Table of Contents
About Naked Sustainability
At Naked Sustainability, we are dedicated to empowering millennials (and small to medium-sized businesses) to take meaningful action towards a more sustainable world. Through practical tips, insightful guidance, and personal experiences, we inspire individuals and organizations to embrace sustainable living and drive positive change in their communities and industries. Our mission is to cultivate a generation of conscious consumers and business leaders who are committed to preserving the planet for future generations, starting today. Together, all of us can strive to create a greener, more ethical future through education, advocacy, and sustainable consumer (and business) practices.
Why Submit a Guest Blog Post on our Site?
- Reach a diverse audience of environmentally conscious individuals.
- Share your expertise, experiences, and initiatives with a like-minded community.
- Contribute to meaningful conversations and promote awareness about important environmental issues.
- Gain exposure for your organization, project, or cause.
What We’re Looking For
We’re seeking posts from real-life people who are passionate about environmental sustainability, live their lives authentically, and have expertise in areas such as:
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Renewable energy and clean technologies
- Conservation and biodiversity
- Sustainable agriculture and food systems
- Circular economy and waste reduction
- Environmental policy and advocacy
- Eco-friendly lifestyle choices and practices
Feel free to pitch other topics too as long as they fit this blog’s niche (small online business) and audience interests. Expertise can be anything, including how YOU are building a more sustainable life with everything you are juggling.
What NOT to pitch: Product reviews, generic how-to guides without a specific and niche angle, and topics that have nothing to do with this blog and its audience.
Content Guidelines
Here are a few things to remember regarding our expectation for guest blog posts:
- I prefer longer, well thought out posts (1,500 – 3,000 words), so choose your topics wisely.
- Write a clear introduction and conclusion.
- Use headers to organize your blog post.
- Use lists (numbered or bulleted).
- Pay attention to your keyword density.
- Use easy-to-read, short sentences and short paragraphs.
- Make sure to write with search engines as well as human readers in mind.
Guest Post Guidelines
Please read these guidelines carefully:
Pitches from Individuals, not Companies
- If you’re representing a company, you’re likely not a good fit. At Naked Sustainability we blog from an authentic, real-life point of view.
- Guest blogging on Naked Sustainability is for individual creators only. Feel free to check out our sponsored post rates instead if you are representing a company.
Relevant Data & Images
- If you’re making data claims, back them up with the facts from reputable sources that you can link to and cite, if necessary.
- All images included must be relevant and necessary to prove a point. They should be creations of your own. Please do not include stock photos in your article submissions. If additional photos are needed, I’ll add images before publishing the post.
Blog Post Length Requirements
- All posts must be 1,500 – 3,000 words long. This ensures that your topic is well-researched, thought out and relevant, with the necessary introduction and final thoughts/conclusion.
Link Guidelines
- Dofollow external link: You can have 1-3 dofollow links to your own website (they must all go to one website) where and when relevant. Do not use dofollow links to some company website or a blog you do not own.
- External nofollow links: You should include, where applicable, 2-5 links that go to relevant content outside of Naked Sustainability that’s not your blog/website. These links should go to reputable and relevant websites and be pertinent to the post you are submitting.
- Please note: I may remove/change external links if/when I want. If warranted, I will also internally link to other Naked Sustainability blog posts/pages to allow our audience additional opportunities to learn and continue on their journey.
- Do not try to game the system; link-building schemes are absolutely not allowed.
No Duplicate or AI Generated Content
- All guest posts are checked periodically for duplicate content. You should not submit a blog post that has been (or will be) published elsewhere, and you may not republish it anywhere else. If some portions are found to be a match with any other content on the internet, the guest post will be removed.
- The guest post you are submitting should be an original work that you have written. Do NOT submit AI generated content.
Guest Post Visibility
- All guest blog posts will reside on Naked Sustainability in perpetuity unless removed by me at my discretion, which I may do at any time—if the content stops being relevant, current, or useful—without notification or explanation.
How to Apply
To apply to guest post on Naked Sustainability, please fill out the application form below. Be sure to provide a brief introduction, highlight your relevant experience or expertise, and share any specific topics or ideas you have blog post ideas for. We’ll review your application and get in touch if we think you’d be a good fit for our site.
Submission Guidelines
We’ve left our application semi-open ended as far as topics because we truly believe sustainability is applicable to every aspect of our lives.
- Keep your application concise and relevant to our podcast theme.
- Provide accurate contact information so we can reach out to you.
- Feel free to include links to your website, social media profiles, or previous blog posts that you’ve written.
- We welcome applications from individuals representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
Selection Process
Our team carefully reviews each application to ensure that all guest posts align with our mission, values, and objectives of our site. Factors considered during the selection process include expertise, relevance to our audience, and potential to contribute to an engaging and informative discussions.
If I like your pitch, I will reach out and ask you to write the blog post. However, publication is NOT guaranteed until I’ve received and reviewed the actual post. If the writing isn’t up to par, the post doesn’t align with our mission and values, or the end result doesn’t meet my expected standards, then it will be rejected.
Contact Us
Have questions about the application process or want to learn more about Naked Sustainability? Please don’t hesitate to contact us at ginny.raynexo@nakedsustainability.com or use the contact form below. We’re here to help and look forward to discussing with you!
Terms and Conditions
By submitting an application to guest post on our site, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in our site. If your pitch to guest post is accepted, you will be sent our Guest Blogging Agreement that will include granting us final approval and ownership of the guest post, as well as link guidance.
Apply Now
Ready to share your insights and expertise with our audience by guest posting? Complete the application form below to pitch your Guest Post idea.